Wednesday, 25 October 2017

MOST EXPENSIVE things in the World | Multi million dollar man made creat...

The most Expensive man-made creations in the World

What $375 Million Dollars can buy you? 

Answer: Some of the most expensive man-made stuff in the World.

I have compiled a video of some of the most expensive man-made creations and things in the World.
Only a small percentage of the World population  (richest people) can afford things like this.

g , I understand some of the elite millionaires wanna show off and show the World how rich they are, but do you really need some of the things that you can easily call The most expensive stuffing the World?

Money, currency and race to make more of it is never ending and never really brings any satisfaction to most powerful in the World of rich. 

It's a dependency, like every other one, the more you have it, the more you want it and I guess they  think that nothing more than money is needed in this world.

As an old Nepalese saying goes

"Wealth is both an enemy and a friend."

Well its true to a degree.
Without it, our survival is in jeopardy but the question is:
Do you really need 2 Million dollars shoes regardless on how much money you have?
Why would you buy your child 8 Million dollars toy?

Just to show off?

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We have hand picked 16 Most expensive man-made creations in the World and shared with you.

Why does a burger cost $325,000?

Where is the most expensive residential building in the World?

Which car cost over $34,000,000?

Which Paining was sold for over $210,000,000?

Most expensive commercial building in the World?

Most expensive toy in the world?

Just some of the items you will find in this video clip.

We hope you enjoy watching the video.

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